

克里斯多夫·卡拉汉总统在10月9日的授职仪式上讲话. 20.

The COVID-19 pandemic may have delayed the timing of 总统 Christopher Callahan’s inauguration, 但这并没有打击人们的精神.

10月20日下午, 2021, First Lady Jean Callahan gave the presidential medallion to Board of Regents Chair Norman Allen, who placed it on Callahan as he officially became 正规博彩十大网站’s 26th president.

数以百计的学生, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 评议, 捐助者, community members and guests watched under the canopy of majestic trees on the picturesque Knoles 法律n in the shadow of the iconic Burns Tower on the 斯托克顿校区.

It was a long-awaited moment for the president of California’s first university.

“致组成这所了不起的大学的全体学生, 教师, 工作人员, 校友 and community leaders across all three of our campuses—you have made Jean and me feel so welcome. 正规博彩十大网站 has truly felt like home since we first arrived,” Callahan said. “You all responded to the global pandemic with grace, empathy, creativity and fierce determination. 我对我们的未来比以往任何时候都更有信心.”

在他的就职演说即将结束时,这种信心显而易见, when Callahan reiterated his goal to make Pacific the nation’s best student-centric, 10年内建成综合性大学.

“我经常听说太平洋是一块隐藏的宝石. 是时候放弃这句话了。”卡拉汉说. “We are ranked in the Top 100 in the country and the Top 20 in the western United States 《正规博彩十大网站排名》和《泰晤士高等教育. 我们的力量在于你们,我们的人民.”


卡拉汉就任总统的第一天是2020年7月1日. He recently said even a delayed investiture ceremony was important for Pacific because of its historic nature. Investitures have been rare at Pacific, which has had only nine presidents in the last century. 

“This is a momentous occasion and one for which we have waited more than a year to celebrate,88年的艾伦说, ’94. “我想你们都会同意我的看法,那就是等待是值得的.”

玛丽亚Pallavicini, Provost and Executive Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs and interim president before Callahan’s arrival, 回忆起在他到校之前他是如何介入帮助的. 

“During May (2020) Chris willingly and eagerly stepped in to assist in what I call ‘all things COVID,,其中包括考虑入学问题, 预算方案和学校的健康和安全. Chris provided his perspective and guidance as the university prepared for the upcoming year. I am immensely grateful to Chris for helping to manage the university during those early COVID times.”

Two students acknowledged the president’s focus on being an accessible and visible leader.

Randi Holguin ’21 was president of Associated Students of 正规博彩十大网站 (ASuop) at the height of the pandemic. “卡拉汉总统和我都是流行病总统. 我有点喜欢这个标题,”奥尔金说. “The president and I would have virtual meetings, socially distanced lunches and walks around campus. 他对我们的会面总是非常有意和有目的的, 作为学生领袖,哪一点很有价值.”

加入Scout Cooper-Wilson ' 22, 现任华硕总裁, “卡拉汉总统一马当先, 做出艰难的选择来保证我们社区的安全. 我很感激他对这所大学的奉献和热情.”


LaNor Miller Smith ’86, ’87, 总统 of the Pacific 校友 Association: “我们作为志愿者做好了准备, 捐助者, recruiters and friends to collaborate with you to advance this incredible university.”

职员谘询委员会主席Denise Fitzgerald: “You have already included 工作人员 leadership in your decision-making and continue to recognize 工作人员 for its contributions to this great institution.”

Paul Subar,学术委员会主席: “The 教师 of our three campuses are excited about the future … We are ready to be part of the continuous growth and opportunities that lie ahead.”

斯托克顿市长凯文·林肯: “Three of the largest 13 cities throughout California call themselves home to the University of Pacific. 我代表旧金山市长(伦敦)布里德, 萨克拉门托市长(达雷尔)斯坦伯格和我, 欢迎来到这所大学,欢迎来到我们的每一个城市.”

The ceremony was attended by representatives from the University of Tennessee, 马里兰大学, 亚利桑那州立大学和新泽西州的蒙特克莱尔州立大学, 卡拉汉最好的朋友在哪, 乔纳森Koppell, 现在是总统. Both were deans at Arizona State University before becoming university presidents.

科佩尔在推特上写道:“这条推文正式宣布! 祝贺我的朋友, co-conspirator and sensei Chris Callahan on his official investiture as @UOPacific 总统. Chris will always put students first while building a dynamic community of learners and do-ers.”


授职仪式是 就职一周 为卡拉汉总统量身定做的活动. 萨克拉门托校区举行了一周的午宴, 旧金山校区有一个闭幕活动, 中间, 在斯托克顿举行了五次专题讨论会和其他集会.

The five symposia focused on students, student-athletes, 教师 and diversity equity and inclusion:

大师: Four professors from diverse disciplines shared their expertise on a number of topics, 包括与学生建立终身的关系. “You need to bring 150% of you into the classroom,” said Sacha Joseph-Matthews (Business). “如果你自己不这么做,你就不能指望他们付出150%的努力.其他小组成员是Derek Isetti(语言病理学), Sharmila King(经济学)和Courtney Lehmann(英语). 杰弗里·霍尔(英语)主持. 

21世纪20年代的大学生经历: Four students or recent 校友 took the stage at the Lair in the DeRosa University Center to discuss the college experience for the current generation. 小组成员是19岁的克里斯蒂安·卡多纳, ’21 (English and Business); Rene Jesse (RJ) Bagus ’21 (Music Industry Studies), Tierra Smithson ' 22(政治学)和Samantha Reed ' 22(社会学). 负责学生生活的副主席玛丽亚·布兰迪斯主持了会议. “As a first-generation student, you sometimes feel as if you are going to college for someone else. 学生是人,不是机器人,”里德说.

体验式公共服务: Four professors who have excelled in providing their students with learning environments in the community discussed how those opportunities add deep layers to the educational experience. 同台的还有Veronica Bandy(药学),Melissa C. Brown (法律), Elisa M. 查韦斯(牙科)和达里·西尔维斯特·特兰(政治科学). Vice 总统 for University Development and 校友 Relations Scott Biedermann moderated.

Bandy gave a moving account about being a Latina whose parents had limited education, 但她仍然就读于正规博彩十大网站, now teaches at the university and makes it her mission to create experiential opportunities for students.

多样性与美国高等教育: 董清文教授(传播学),院长高级助理. 西蒙斯(法律), 克里斯蒂安·卡多纳,19岁, 21届(英语和商业)和加文·亨德森, 前社区参与计划正规博彩十大网站排名, 深入研究DEI主题. 玛丽Wardell-Ghirarduzzi, 多元化事务首任副总裁, 公平与包容和首席多元化官, 是主持人. “对于DEI工作来说,有三种技能是必不可少的,”董说. “They are intercultural sensitivity, social emotional competence and active listening.”

校际体育的未来: 格洛丽亚Nevarez, 西海岸会议的先驱委员, was interviewed by student athletes Elijah Birdsong (baseball) and Jenae Packard (soccer). Nevarez is the first Latina to be commissioner of an NCAA Division 1 conference. “What makes athletics the front door for many universities is the affinity it builds,” Nevarez said. “体育运动是大学生活许多方面的接触点.”